Doc’s WordPress News Drop is a weekly report on the most pressing WordPress news. When the news drops, I will pick it up and deliver it right to you.
Happy 2017! This week we are sharing our suggested New Year’s Resolutions for WordPressers. Enjoy!
Love WordPress news, but hate reading this is Doc Pop’s news drop!
Happy new year! Made any resolutions yet? Got room for a few more? Cause this week we’re talking about WordPress resolutions for 2017.
If you have blog on your site? It’s time to start using it again!-
For the past four years, my friends and I have participated in a weekly “iron blogger” challenge. The goal is to try cutting back on your own expectations and just get things documented on your site. It’s probably great for SEO and all that, but really I think a weekly creativity exercise is great for everyone and I’m really happy looking back at all the small projects and stories I’ve blogged about just because of this weekly blogging challenge.Update your plugins-
It’s so easy, but I know so many folks out there who break into hives whenever they think about updating their WordPress plugins. Look there’s a reason these plugins get updated, it’s for the security of your site, so in 2017 let’s make it a goal to check out the plugins on our sites (and our clients sites) and make sure they are up to date. It’s a great time too to go through and delete those unused plugins.
Get more involved with the WordPress community-
Not everyone can make it out to WordCamp US or WordCamp Europe, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still get involved with the community somehow. My suggestion is to set some small/realistic goal for yourself. Maybe promise to attend a local meet up once a month in 2017? No meet ups nearby? Try commiting to a small project on
It’s great to get up and stretch every once and while, so why not try to work it into your daily agenda. Maybe start each morning with some pushups before you even open your computer. As a freelancer, I’ve often found that setting up regular routines, like exercise breaks or daily walks, helps keep me more focused during my alloted “get things done time”.
That’s it for this week’s News Drop, be sure to subscribe to use on youtube and follow @thetorquemag on twitter for up to the minute wordpress news in 2017.
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