Being hacked is a fear every site owner shares. No matter how secure your information is, the idea of a malicious attack is always in the back of your mind. While WordPress itself is secure, going the extra mile to make sure your site is bullet proof will save you time, money, and a huge headache down the line.
We’ve compiled a list of ways you can keep people out of your site and keep your information secure.
Strengthen your password
Many people overlook their WordPress passwords, not knowing this is the most vulnerable area of the site. The purpose of your password is to prevent brute force attacks and guessing. Therefore, you want to make it as unique, complex, and long as possible.
If you are having problems developing passwords, consider using password generators. The next time you change your password, check out for the password strength meter that WordPress offers. It will help you know when you have a strong password. It’s never fun to forget an important password, but that’s better than becoming vulnerable to an attack.
Use email in place of a username
Logging in to your WordPress requires an email address or username. Usernames are easier to predict than email addresses. That is the simple reason you need to revert to your email for login information. Remember also that your site has a unique email that can act as a genuine identifier.
While it may be easier to remember a username, using an email adds another layer of defense.
Introduce two-factor authentication
Did you know that Two-Factor Authentication has been around since 2013? WordPress began to utilize it to secure the login process. There are plenty of plugins that will help you add an extra step to the login page, hopefully deterring attackers.
It could be anything, as long as it is unique to the site owner. Although this form of identification can be a hindrance, like if you can’t find your phone, or don’t remember which email you signed up with. Even so, it is among the most effective ways of keeping hackers at bay.
Backup your WordPress site regularly
You may have installed the best security features on your site, but none of that matters if you aren’t doing regular backups. Doin a so on schedule makes getting back to the prior version would be easy.
Since you might forget about a scheduled backups, consider using reliable tools such as WordPress Backup to Dropbox and BackupBuddy. Some of these solutions will even check the site for malware and give alerts in case of an intrusion. SEO Chicago can help you in this and offer site optimization solutions.
Secure wp-config.php file
Even as you secure the rest of the site, give special attention to the wp-config.php file. This file is the heart of your WordPress site. Hackers know that and will do anything to access it. Fortunately, there is a more secure way of storing this file other than in the typical core folder. Do not worry about inaccessibility of the file; WordPress architecture allows for priority recognition of the file wherever it is placed.
The bottom line
Hackers are constantly upping their game, but WordPress isn’t resting on its laurels either. As the company releases updates for more secure sites, it is paramount for users to make use of existing security features. Therefore, try out these methods and always stay vigilant.