Doc’s WordPress News Drop is a weekly report on the most pressing WordPress news. When the news drops, I will pick it up and deliver it right to you.
WordPress 5.0 and the Gutenberg Editor are still coming, just a little later than we may have originally hoped. In this week’s video, we talk about the revised suggested roadmap for Gutenberg, WordPress 4.9, and other future releases.
One quick note, shortly after we edited this video, Matt Mullenweg shared this post about the Gutenberg team’s decision to move away from React and use a different library, which Matt states will “likely delay Gutenberg at least a few weeks, and may push the release into next year.”
Love WordPress news but hate reading? My name is Doc and this is Doc Pop’s News Drop.
Fall is just around the corner and you know what that means!
No, not Pumpkin Spice Latte Season, it’s almost time another WordPress release.If you’ve been following WordPress news this year, you’ll know that the Gutenberg Editor will be added to core soon, and it might change everything about how users interact with WordPress… but when is it coming?
Since the decision to move away from scheduled updates, we don’t know exactly when well see the next one.
As of the filming of this video, we are on WordPress 4.7, and Gutenberg is slated for 5.0. Many of us were hoping to see 5.0 released in time this year’s WordCamp US in December, but it looks like we may have to settle for a 2018 release date.
Things are little behind schedule, but Tammie Lister recently shared a revised roadmap for WordPress core releases:
(…)On September 5th, Gutenberg version 1.1.0 was released for beta testing. This is the most polished version of Gutenberg yet. Now the team is waiting to hear feedback and looking for more volunteers to contribute to the project.
WordPress 4.9 is expected to be released in November of this year, but it won’t include Gutenberg.
Then in December, the development period for Gutenberg will begin to wrap up and a formal merge proposal will be made with WordPress Core.
Assuming this proposal is approved and doesn’t break anything else, every WordPress user should see Gutenberg officially included in WordPress 5.0 in January of 2018.
Right now, it sounds like the best way to help the core team get Gutenberg off the ground is by testing 1.1.0. For those interested, I’ve supplied a link to the new testing page in the description below.
What do you guys think about the revised roadmap for Gutenberg and Customization? Some users seem to feel that the development team is rushing to release Gutenberg way before it’s ready, but I disagree. Adding a block based editor to WordPress is a big project, but there’s no reason to keep putting it off for another 2 or 3 years. If users don’t like it, they can continue using the visual editor or, the far superior, text based editor.
That’s it for this week’s news drop, if you like what we are doing, please help us out by liking this video and subscribing to our channel for more weekly WordPress news. We’ll see you next week.