In today’s business-centric world, it is an arduous task to pick the right PHP web development framework for your business from the many available options. Choice of the correct platform is like an asset for your brand where a mere negligence or a wrong step can cause negative results.
When it comes to discussing the leading name that tops the chart, Laravel certainly comes first in the list by surpassing the other popular frameworks including CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Symfony, Zend, and Yii.
Its incredible features led to huge popularity, which is why businesses are opting for its unhindered growth. With Laravel, PHP development is a breeze through a powerful command-line interface, scalable and easy- to use behavior plus plenty of plugins meant to serve a specific purpose.
We will go over some of the reasons developers should choose Laravel.
Object-oriented libraries
Plenty of pre-installed and object-oriented libraries make Laravel a good choice among other PHP frameworks.
The authentication library is a well-known and easy to implement pre-installed library which is stuffed with tremendous features like password reset, checking active users, Bcrypt hashing, encryption, and CSRF (cross-site request forgery) protection.
Authorization process
It is a cakewalk to implement authentication techniques with Laravel where everything is configured in the prettiest manner.
It is easy for the developers to use Laravel framework for organizing authorization logic and controlling access to the resources.
MVC support
The MVC architecture of the Laravel, such as Symfony, enables a clear view of the logic and presentation of the language.
It also helps improve the performance of the design, allows better documentation, and renders multifarious inbuilt functionalities.
MVC employs a simple process to work in accordance with the Laravel. Initially, a user request is submitted and routed to an appropriate Laravel controller.
Then, it interacts with the data model and controller is allowed to invoke results view. You can render the final view in the user’s browser.
Database migration
To keep the database in sync is a tough task for the developers, but it becomes flawless with Laravel database migration.
When you keep the entire database work in seeds and migration, it is easy to migrate the changes in any other development platform that you want.
No matter which platform or framework is used, it must be secure. Laravel takes the utmost care of security by the means of salted and hashed password. It means the password is never saved as plain text in the database.
Bcrypt hashing algorithm plays a bog role in generating encrypted passwords. Running in parallel, Laravel also uses prepared SQL statements to make injection attacks unimaginable.
Laravel is a preferred choice if you want to escape user input to avoid user injection of <script> tag.
Automatic package discovery
The automatic package discovery feature of Laravel 5.5 detects the packages automatically to those users who want to install.
It simply means that the users do not need to set up any providers for installation of fresh packages in Laravel. Laravel 5.5 also allows disabling this feature for few specific features.
Artisan is a built-in tool that can be used for command-line. It is easy for a developer to interact with a Laravel framework through a command-line that can easily handle and create a Laravel environment.
This inbuilt tool allows plenty of repetitive and tedious programming tasks that are tough to be performed manually.
Spark scaffolding
With Laravel Spark, it is easy to create a strong scaffolding system for prebuilt applications to accomplish password resets, authentication, invoicing and other related factors.
Deployment with Enveyor
Enveyor, a PHP deployment tool helps deliberately to run Laravel applications. With this tool, it is easy to deploy updated code and also manage the installation of Laravel code repositories and clone appropriate folders.
The benefits of Laravel are endless. There is something fresh and innovative with each new release. It helps create awesome web applications by using an impressive and simple syntax. This is the reason Laravel can be considered as the best PHP framework of the decade.