You could make the case that much (maybe too much) of Gutenberg’s user interface is hidden or not exactly in the direct line of sight. Gutenberg has a “need-to-know” characteristic in that since it is so contextual, UI only appears when it is necessary.
Streamlining is quite mandatory in a complex editing environment. Not every option can – or needs to be – exposed to the user at all times. Unfortunately, important features can go “missing” to all but power users.
Here are three features of Gutenberg you might not be aware of that can help you use the block editor efficiently.
Building Your Own Templates
One of the most important features of Gutenberg is the ability to create templates. Many sites use the same formatted content on more than one page. Gutenberg makes it easy to create a reusable template.
But doing it is hardly obvious.
You may already know about the reusable block, but creating a template takes that one step further.
Unfortunately, the ability to build a template is obscure and not intuitive – until you see my video. Here I build a template without the use of any plugin or code.
Reusing A Template On Another Site
What if you make a template that you’d like to also use on a different site? This huge time saver is easy to do, but where to find how to do it is difficult.
(If you’re not sure about how to make a template see the above video.)
Disabling Unused Blocks
There are many plugins which extend what Gutenberg can do by default. I am referring to what I call “Gutenberg Plugins” which primarily add an average of about 10 blocks for each plugin.
It’s highly likely you won’t need to use every block that is included with a Gutenberg Plugin. If fact, you’re not likely to use the 40 or so blocks that come with Gutenberg by default.
Here’s how to hide unwanted blocks and to prevent them from loading.
Gutenberg is an incredibly powerful tool that makes it easy to create dynamic websites. Digging into these features will allow you to reach more customers and keep them coming back.