As part of on-going brand and SEO checks at Photocrati, we do regular searches for relevant keywords for our products. This morning, we found that NextGEN Gallery’s WordPress directory page has dropped out of Google’s search results.
So as any curious WordPress team might do, we started to search for other popular plugins in the directory. As it turns out, Askimet, WordPress SEO by Yoast, Contact Form 7, and most other popular plugins are also nowhere to be seen.
Here are some example searches on Google, all which used to bring up the plugin pages or other pages within the first couple results:
Apart from plugins, many other common pages also seem to be missing from search results.
Now, I’ve been monitoring social media and not seeing much buzz around the topic so I thought it was worth throwing out there with some questions.
- Have you noticed this today?
- Have you noticed happen before (with specifically)?
- Do you know exactly what is happening?
- Are you confused by this?
Thanks for reading; I’m baffled!