This is actually perfectly timed with an earlier post that we published today (Daniel Roizer‘s Top 10 Code Snippets) and may be of use for those that are considering a place to house all those neat and great code snippets that you use, and reuse, and reuse, and then reuse some more.
For those that have been developing for sometime you know that this organization process of previous work and code can help speed up the process of further development, especially if it’s organized in a way that maximizes speed and effectiveness.
Take a look at this free app and service why don’t ya?!
GistBox app is a code organization tool for GitHub Gists. It was designed from the ground-up to be as user-friendly as possible. Logging in and getting started was super easy as you could login via GitHub directly or using the Chrome Extension, which was very sweet indeed.
If you do the latter it’ll just boot up an independent window, which may attract some people to have that dedicated area.
Once you get in you can star managing your gists with ease. The UI is so intuitive that it doesn’t take much to start figuring ou the labeling feature and then organization is natural.
But, if you wanted a 2 minute overview, then here you go:
I’m so impressed with the simplicity and speed of the app that you can’t help but want to use it. It’s still very much a new app and they are looking to continue to iterate and build on top of their already great success.
So stick around and you may have found your solution for code snippets.