More and more blog posts are being published every single day which is changing the game for independent publishers and professionals alike. It’s allowing more and more people to share their thoughts freely, which is a powerfully-important thing.
It’s democratizing the web and with more voices in the mix we’re getting a better picture of who we are as individuals as well as who we are as a collective race of human beings.
We are learning, constantly, and it’s refreshing.
In a recent interview with memeburn, Matt shares more of his thoughts on how he sees the web changing. Specifically in regards to democratization, Matt answers it this way:
MB: How important is open source software to democratising publishing online?
MM: I think it’s the most important thing. As the web becomes more and more of a part of our every day lives, it would be a horrible tragedy if it was locked up inside of companies and proprietary software. Part of the reason I do this is because I believe that open source is the most important idea of our generation and the only way to get the web on open source is to create a better product.
I believe in it philosophically, but I don’t expect other websites to use it just because they share the same beliefs. They care about something else. They care about their audience or writing a story or something like that, not about the software. So to have them choose us, you have to create the best software. It’s a free market.
Read more of the interview here.
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