We’ve been covering flat-file CMS apps for a while and have been inspired by them to challenge WordPress from a design and development perspective.
Especially the ones that really take a hard-right in terms of sheer simplicity of publishing without all the frills and bells and whistles that might not actually be necessary.
For example, we covered a few other non-database CMS here (and here) that really pushed the envelope and that have been getting a lot of attention. Here’s another one for you:
Pico is just that – stupidly-simple and very fast. It’s free and totally open source as well. You can rock out a simple website very quickly in your favorite text editor or even using Markdown which is becoming an increasing-favorite among developers.
Oh, and by the way, this isn’t to be confused with picoCMS which is another CMS that labels itself as such:
picoCMS is easier than WordPress, but just as powerful as Joomla & Drupal.
Just an FYI, naturally.