WebDevStudios recently released Pluginize, a new plugin marketplace that houses plugins geared toward people who want to create professional-looking websites without learning how to code.
“The bulk of our plugins are targeted at what I would call ‘Site Builders,'” said Director of Products, John Hawkins. “People who want to customize sites to do what they need for clients, but may not have the skill or desire to build everything from scratch.”
Created by WebDevStudios and AppPresser, the company aims to give non-developers a chance to easily create professional looking websites. That said, developers will find the plugins useful as well.
All of the plugins included in Pluginize were created by WebDevStudios, one of the most notable being an update to Custom Post Type UI.
“(It) let’s users display data from their custom post types inside of pages or posts. AppPresser is a plugin that allows site owners to turn their website into a mobile app,” Hawkins said. “Ha CMB2 provides a graphic interface to let users create Custom Meta Boxes for their site.”
Due to the sheer volume of free and premium plugins, marketplaces like this can be extremely helpful to users. Instead of searching through thousands of plugins to find one you like, you can visit one page and find a curated collection of plugins to fit your specific needs. It would make sense to see marketplaces geared towards eCommerce users or even bloggers in the near future.
What do you think about plugin marketplaces? Would you use them or do you prefer to search for plugins on your own? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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