If you represent a business, you’ve got a chance to shake hands with your prospective customers, smile to them, and tell about your brand in person. Of course, it isn’t feasible to meet every potential customer so you have to be just as engaging through your website. If you want to effectively introduce your company to your visitors, you’ve got to do just one thing – get a catchy and all-encompassing About Us page design. No doubt, it’s the compelling Homepage design that web professionals pay most attention to. However, the ‘About Us’ page is the second most important one after it. After all, […]
Building an Email List in WordPress – What Business Rookies Need to Know
Attracting customers and business associates is one of the crucial aspects of every new business enterprise. If you’ve just set your foot onto the business path, it’s vital to know that you need to generate new leads in a personal manner. And the most personal feature used by every entrepreneur is the email service. Therefore, new entrepreneurs should strive to populate their email list. While a certain degree of conversion can be achieved via social media, email marketing is still more effective than social networks. Since WordPress is among the most popular platforms for SMB-websites, we’ve compiled some practical tips […]
6 Plugins to Help Increase Your Email Subscribers
While most bloggers think of building an email list as a Herculean task, it can really be a simple process if you have the right tools at your disposal. Thankfully, there are plenty of plugins you can use to easily grow your email list. We hand-picked a few of the best WordPress plugins you can use to boost your conversion rates and generate more email subscribers using the many different parts of your blog. See if you already use any of these plugins on your blog, or if it’s time to step up your blogging game. #1 OptinMonster Installing a […]
The Facebook Algorithm Change 2018: What it Means for Your Marketing
We are in for yet another Facebook algorithm change. When Mark Zuckerberg announced that the platform would start prioritizing news feed content differently, it didn’t go down too well with marketers. Especially since he explicitly stated that “you’ll see less public content like posts from businesses, brands, and media” in favor of “meaningful conversations.” What might sound good to private users, is worrisome to owners of Facebook pages. Will they still be able to get their content in front of their audience? Is it time to abandon Facebook as a marketing platform? This very issue is the topic of this […]
7 Reasons Your Small Business Needs a Blog
It seems like everyone has a blog these days. If you don’t, you’re probably wondering what all of the fuss is about. Businesses of all sizes start blogs because they offer a wealth of practical advantages that ultimately boost those businesses. If you’re looking for reasons to jump on the blog train, there’s no shortage of them. Customers are looking for impactful digital experiences and a blog is a perfect way to reach people you might not have otherwise. To Improve Your Web Presence Blogging is excellent for search engine optimization. By providing useful content relevant to popular keywords or […]
Instagram Insights to Enhance Your Web Design Acceptance and Reach
Instagram is admired worldwide as being synonymous with online imagery. It was a fresh new concept in social networking when it was introduced, and it also changed the way businesses approach the internet, and in turn their target audience. This innovative image-based social network platform now shared many valuable lessons regarding how companies need to devise their online marketing strategies and website design. Let’s have an insightful overview of how an ideal business website design should be in light of its parity with Instagram. The quality of images It is rightly said that a perfect image can say a thousand […]
10 Must Have WordPress Plugins And Tools For Business Sites
WordPress is an amazing tool for businesses. One of the things that makes the CMS a powerful digital experience is plugins. With these tools, you can do almost anything to make your site unique. Try these 10 plugins and tools to help you make the most of your WordPress site. WP Forms This tool is designed to help you create forms that you can place anywhere on your site. They can help you create polls, payment forms, order forms, and more. It’s very beginner friendly, so even if you’re just getting started you’ll be able to get the most out […]
How to Add RTL Support to Your Custom WordPress Theme
About 75% of the internet speaks a language other than English. Some of these other languages read Right-to-Left (RTL), which can completely ruin the layout of many English-only designs. Thankfully, having a theme that flows well for RTL languages (such as Arabic) is largely a matter of updating your CSS. With a few design considerations and style tweaks, you can adapt any WordPress theme to work with RTL languages. In this article, you’ll learn how RTL languages function in the browser, and how to work with them in your stylesheets. First, though, let’s delve into why you should add support […]
How To Accelerate Your Conversion Process On Your WordPress Site
You may have an amazing product to sell or a great service to offer but if your website cannot convince web users to stay then it is bound to fail. SEO can bring in traffic but it cannot convert users into potential customers. This article will provide you essential tips to accelerate your conversion process. We will consider WordPress here as this is the most widely used platform for website development and support. It is popular among millions of existing business owners and beginners alike, thanks to its user-friendly guidelines and simple design along with tons of available themes to […]
How to Reduce HTTP Requests in WordPress (Make Your Website Faster!)
Learning how to reduce HTTP requests in WordPress sounds like a thing only developers need to deal with. However, in reality it concerns anyone who has a website powered by the CMS. Here on Torque, we have written extensively on how to speed up your WordPress website: A Guide to WordPress Speed & the Importance of Cache 14 Ways To Speed Up WordPress And Decrease Page Load Time Simple Yet Proven Ways To Boost Your WordPress Website Speed Reducing HTTP requests is just one piece of that puzzle, yet a very important one. For that reason, this article will deal […]
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