Like or loath Jetpack it’s here to stay…and what’s more Automattic have just added a new feature to Jetpack: Likes.
Yes, your favorite passive activity when you scan through the internet is now available on self-hosted blogs.
Like the idea?
Likes has been available on for sometime now and I know that some of my peers on sites use this feature a lot. It’s a great way to say “this was good” without having to add a stupid comment like “this was good”.
Personally I’ve never been a “liker” of posts, it always seemed a bit of a strange thing to do and If I really enjoy a blog post then I should be able to add some form of comment. What’s more, if you have “Facebook likes” Google Plus buttons and a like button you can overwhelm your reader with options. Do we really need to add another like button?
I’m sure some people will like this function regardless of my personal opinion.
More Features, Fixes
Jetpack 2.2 doesn’t just add likes though. There are the usual bug fixes, improvements to the Pinterest sharing widget (you can now use sharedaddy to share multiple images from a post), Introducing a subscription shortcode (that you can place anywhere, even in a post), Improvements to the spam feature in the contact form and a Readmill widget.
These probably won’t convince any of the anti-Jetpack lobby and even add to their argument of bulk within the plugin but I’m sure others will appriciate the upgraded and new features.