I got access this morning to the Private Beta of Dunked, a project that we’ve covered historically by a few guys who have some serious experience with WordPress. I was so excited that I moved a few things around to actually walk through the entire application (as best as I could) and make it my own, and I’d love to visually show you what the new portfolio service is all about and get you excited about how you might use it in the very near future. Thanks again to Orman Clark , Gilbert Pellegrom and Mark Southard, the three-man team behind the venture – so […]
Hello Dolly: Episode 2 – Publishing Platforms, Interns, and Popovers
The team’s been having a lot of fun recording Hello Dolly and we’re stoked about the comments, emails, tweets, and phone calls we’ve been receiving (yes, even the pranks!). In this episode, John, Chris, Jared, and I all sit down to talk about the upcoming WordCamp Atlanta, some of our thoughts on other publishing platforms (such as Tumblr and Svbtle), and take a call from Chris Brogan about pop overs and permission based marketing. For a a more detailed recap, be sure to review the show notes and check out the links we’ve provided; otherwise, listen up, tune in, or do […]
5 Ways to Make Money with WordPress in 2013
I get a dozen of mails every week from people asking “how can I make money from my WordPress blog”. Making money online isn’t an easy task but it’s not hard either. Most of the people start blogging in the hope of making some money, but more than half of them end up without making a dime. I’m not saying making money online isn’t possible, it just takes a lot of efforts that many people aren’t willing to do. In this post I am going to share some quick ways to start making a few dollars with WordPress in 2013.
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