In web design, prototyping can help you assess the growth of your project and keep track of the features that need to be added or removed. Unfortunately, prototyping is often underused or ignored. The reality is, however, that if properly executed, prototyping can make a positive difference to your project. Front-end prototyping, as the name suggests, is the process of creating an early model or sample of a given product, in order to assess its features and flaws. In this post, I will discuss front-end prototyping: its uses, considerations, and the different types. Front-end Prototyping A prototype helps you test […]
The Difference Between Prototype and Wireframe
When it comes to design, wireframe and prototype are 2 very important terms. However, even the best design professionals tend to get confused between wireframing and prototyping, and tend to use ‘wireframe’ and ‘prototype’ as if they were the same thing. This is incorrect, because wireframing and prototyping are both two distinct processes, each with its own set of benefits. In this post, I will try to explain the difference between wireframe and prototype. Prototype and Wireframe: Definitions A prototype, as the name suggests, is a medium to high-level representation of the final user interface of the design in question. As […]