Considering the fact that the internet is becoming more and more crowded with each passing day, getting visitors to your website or blog has become a task that requires a great deal of efforts. However, the more difficult part is to retain those visitors on your website. As I’m sure many of you are aware, reducing the bounce rate of your site is important for gaining new visitors and retaining current ones. In this article, I will discuss the concept of bounce rate, and how WordPress users can reduce it. Bounce Rate: What, How and Why? In simple terms, if a […]
Daily Theme & Plugin Roundup – 6.25.2013
I hope you all are having a great start to the week! I have a few new and updated plugins along with some themes as well. I’m a big fan of the Superhero theme and glad to see it’s being maintained and updated. Check it out and the others after the jump!
Daily Theme & Plugin Roundup – 5.12.2013
Happy Mother’s Day to all of those moms out there. If you are a plugin author and a mom, you get extra bonus points. If not, I still have gift for you. New and updated plugins! Check them out after the jump!
Daily Theme & Plugin Roundup – 5.11.2013
The weekend is here! I have quite a few new and updated plugins to share with you on today’s roundup. My favorite by far is the Fartscroll that integrates The Onion’s fartscroll.js. I think it’s hilarious! Make sure to check out the other plugins after the jump!