Update: For more information, you can download our free ebook, The Ultimate Guide to the WordPress REST API. Over the last few months I’ve provided a series of tutorials on how to use the WordPress REST API. I’ve covered topics on how to retrieve and create posts, and even how to work with post meta data and how to create a front-end post editor. And, because the term “post” is so broad, it applies to virtually any post type, and therefore covers a large swath of the REST APIs capabilities.. The two major data types I haven’t yet addressed are 1) taxonomies and 2) users. Today, […]
Giveaway: Sub Posts Plugin
Ok, we’ll cut to the chase on this one, shall we? Sub Posts enables you link posts to each other and display them on your WP site. Simple, right? You can can create custom posts type relationships without much work, which may be very useful if you’re building a site that needs some custom taxonomy. It’s got a developer API as well. This quick overview video may give you a better idea of what it’s about:
MasterPress: Custom Post Types, Taxonomies, More!
Have you heard of MasterPress? It might just be the one of the better (best?) custom post type, taxonomy, and custom field CMS plugins out there for WordPress. This is in addition to the really swell API that Travis Hensgen has built with it as well. In fact, he’s given not only a presentation about what it is but also how it came to be – very much a great story of “rolling his own” and building something that he needed for himself. A truly inspiring tale of having to deal with business, life, family, and WordPress all rolled into […]
Create Better Code with GenerateWP
Everyone’s looking for a shortcut, especially if you’re a developer who has more code to write than time (which is nearly always the case, right?). And if you’re a developer then you already have your own personal “bag of tricks” that help you optimize and streamline your workflow so that you can minimize waste, distraction, and increase the speed of production – we can take all the help we can get! That’s where GenerateWP might come in, which is a new product by Rami Yushuvaev, an entrepreneur, developer, and blogger. The concept is simple as it provides tools for developers […]