One of WordPress’s biggest advantages (and reasons for its success) is the fact that the platform is completely open source — anyone can use it for any purpose without paying a dime. This is why some people have a hard time taking WordPress seriously as a line of business. After all, how can you make money with something that anyone can use for free? If that is you or your client, you first need to remember that WordPress not only powers the websites of some of the most famous brands, people, and companies in the world but by now it […]
The Rise of Bitcoin: Should You Accept It?
The online landscape is changing—in particular in its attitude towards digital currency, also known as cryptocurrency. 2013 was the unofficial year of the cryptocurrency, with bitcoin grabbing huge amounts of mainstream attention. At the start of 2013, a bitcoin was worth approximately $13, but over the 12 months that followed it hit highs of $1,147. If you got in at the right time, you could have earned a whopping 8,000% ROI! Recent trends have seen a surge in tech-savvy consumers calling for online retailers to accept virtual currencies, in particular bitcoin. This has a lot to do with the public’s mistrust […]
5 Other WordPress Businesses That You Could Start
Unless you got here by mistake, you’re here because you’ve heard how popular, and maybe even how easy, WordPress is. And if that’s the case, maybe you’ve considered stepping into the ecosystem. Maybe you’ve wondered what kind of business opportunities exist—especially if you don’t feel confident going out on your own yet, and don’t love working for an agency. Or maybe you don’t feel like your experience warrants the rate you would need to charge to go on your own. So even if everyone you know talks about the jobs listed below, you’re not sure if they’re a right fit […]
Success Can Kill You Faster Than Failure
I had more customers than I knew what to do with. People were talking about me. Everyone knew my name. And they all were showing up—money in hand. They were ready to buy. I wasn’t really selling. I can’t call it that. Because this was too easy. All I had to do was let people know about my product, and they just came. We don’t like to believe the saying, “if you build it, they will come,” but in this case, I was living the dream. Until it all came crashing down. To be clear, I didn’t lose millions (that’s […]
DradCast Episode #005: Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn
Show Notes Host Chris Lema started using WordPress in 2005 because of how user-friendly it is for customers. He’s still active in the WordPress community—consulting with different companies to help them think through strategy. Chris attends about 6 WordCamps a year, in addition to starting his own WordPress events. One such event is in Cabo, where folks can spend time relaxing in villas while talking shop about WordPress. He is also the creator of WPwatercooler, one of the more popular WordPress weekly shows. You can contact Chris on Twitter @chrislema, or on his website. Host intro In the last few months we’ve seen several […]