A new feature of the WordPress.com Developer Resources blog is the fact that they are now highlighting particular people in an interview segment that I hope will continue fairly regularly.
Beau Lebens is the first up and he shares how he first got started with WordPress by launching a startup based on WordPress MU and bbPress for scrapbooking fans (clever!). He then moved to Mashable (yes, that blog) and then over to Automattic.
I think some of the best part is his advice to aspiring young people who are interested in learning about WordPress and software development:
Dive right in. It’s just code, so you really can’t break anything too serious. Get a copy of an open source project in your language of choice (oh hai, WordPress.org!) and you can start pulling it apart to see how it works.
Never be afraid to try something, even if you think it will probably break everything — that’s what “undo” is for. And backups. And source control.
This is probably where most of us have started and my story is very similar to his. He’s right, with WordPress you can break things to your heart’s content and not be worried about the world ending or anything like that.
Read more of the complete interview here and appreciate it Krista for starting a neat new segment!
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