It’s no secret that the WP Daily team here is also the company behind a premium theme and to be honest, thank goodness, as it’s the only way we’re financing this blog for the time being, which is “costing” me plenty of hours of work every single day.
I love it though and the community that we’re developing as well as all the amazing contributing authors has been phenomenal has been more than enough to sustain our collective interests!
But I still do spend ample amount of time working on our product, the business, and everything else that a startup requires – and for those that know it’s a lot of work!
One thing we’ve been working on (as well as other theme shops like WooThemes) is improving our customer engagement and customer service. It’s a hard balancing act because it can quickly sink valuable resources from key areas and personelle if not done with care and with wisdom. Do it poorly and you’re sunk, literally.
A feature that we’ve never implemented and that I haven’t seen very prevalent is the existence of Live Chatting features for theme shop customers. For example, you don’t see ThemeForest or WooThemes or StudioPress having a “chat with live sales rep” on the bottom corner.
But maybe the trend will start this year and we’ll start seeing it (is that a good thing?) or maybe not, but free services like Offerchat make it a very interesting and cost-effective experiment.
The system works well and you can quickly get up and running in no time flat:
It’s like many other chat solutions where you simply insert a piece of javascript code into your site or theme and you’re off to the races.
What do you think about theme shops having live sales support and engagement on their marketing pages? If you’re a theme shop owner, would you ever make this type of implementation?
Love to know your thoughts.