Back to the Future…
So why the heck would I caption this “back to the future?” Well, let me explain. Today I decided to head back to my old blog that I did on blogger (which totally sucked btw….WP FTW!), and try to find some old photos for show notes for my new podcast Photo Drives.
We recorded an episode about how we got started in photography or where we came from with our work. What is interesting is that I ran across a post I wrote on Christmas Eve in 2010 about comfort. It really resonated with me today just as much as it did the day that I wrote it, so I thought I would share it with all of you.
It has gone into the past of the internet and now it has come back to the future.
I think if there is one thing that many of us, if not all of us seek, is comfort.
The comfort of financial security.
The comfort of family and friends.
The comfort of knowing that everything will be okay.
The idea that fear is non existent.
Of course, the idea of living in fear almost keeps us in our comfort zone and restrains us from being bold, trying new things, going on adventures, and discovering who we really are.
Or maybe who we ought to be.
Sometimes I wonder, am I letting fear hold me back…….. or am I letting comfort hold me back?
I guess you could almost consider them the same evil.
It is time to get uncomfortable people.
It is time to to open new doors, meet new people, find out the truth, and stop wondering.
Follow your heart and and unveil the things you’ve be afraid to see.
We all have a different path so don’t bother asking for directions, because none of us have the same map.
Fear is Only One of Our Enemies!
Odds are, if you are reading this you have many comforts in your life. A cell phone, a home, a car, a computer, a job, and all sorts of things that make life much easier. We get used to it.
We grow comfortable with that, but sometimes we have to realize that all of these things that make life easier can be a harsh strike onto our capabilities. We gain comfort, but we can lose a sense of pursuit. We can lose courage. We can lose the strength to stand up to fears and take risks in our life.
Our comforts and all of these comfortable habits we form can hold us back. We are surrounded by enemies each and every day, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t fight them.
We Can and Will Prevail!
This is the part where I ride around on a horse with a sword and shield yelling really loud to rally the troops and tell them that we will win. (haha am I right?) Seriously though, if you have been struggling with getting too comfortable with each and every day, then just take a look around, maybe set some goals or reach out to new people.
Whether they are in your community, on WordPress, at work, at church, or starting up a whole new group in your town. There are people out there with similar interests that want to do awesome and great things along with you.
Sometimes you have to do things alone, but most of the time, there are very talented people just waiting to be found that want to be a part of something bigger just like you do.