You’ve probably heard of Ghost, a concept that was created by John O’Nolan who re-thought everything when it came to blogging, publishing, and the user experience.
For a time many thought it would just stay as a “nice idea, thanks” but apparently it’s got some real legs to it with some original concepts and prototypes out and now a bid to win the hearts, minds, and financial backing of the community via Kickstarter.
Check the Kickstarter project video here:
I love how simple the video is and how straight-forward John’s presented the information. It’s also curious and exciting that it’s not only going to be licensed under the MIT, a less-restrictive and confusing structure than say, GPL, but also that it’ll be transformed into a not-for-profit if it gets fully funded.
The talent he’s rounded up is stellar and I don’t see any reason why they won’t reach their goal (and beyond).
I also love this line from the video:
Ghost is free – the MIT license means that you can do pretty much whatever you want. No restrictions on themes, plugins, conferences, or anything else really.
Obviously for those that have been around mind remember some of the issues surrounding events and conferences regarding the GPL and you won’t have that here.
Go back this awesome project and make this a reality. Let’s do this!
You can also check out their main product page which is up here: