It’s been well over a year since John O’Nolan expressed his angst about WordPress no longer being a pure blogging tool, and announced Ghost to the world. In the short span of one year, Ghost has earned a good number of followers and users, and it continues to grow in popularity. I tried Ghost shortly after it was first released to the public, and I found it to be too limiting. Obviously, you can’t expect to have everything right in the first release, so I decided to wait. Recently, Ghost 0.4 was released, and I decided to give it another […]
Ghost is Among Us, Now What?
A few months ago, John O’Nolan surprised the WordPress world with his idea of creating a whole new blogging platform called Ghost. The theory in his mind was that the WordPress ecosystem had spent too much time focusing on turning WordPress into a CMS, and had lost touch with its origins in blogging. Though his ideas were echoed positively by many in the community, a few saw the idea behind Ghost as a potential rival to WordPress. Most of the higher end enterprise clients who use WordPress still maintain it as part of their blogging ecosystems. I will try my best […]
John O'Nolan: Ghost Update and a Podcast Interview
The Kickstarter project Ghost is in full-swing now as they’ve received their funds (it takes some time) and their able to expand their team and fully concentrate on building product. In an update sent late last night, John O’Nolan shares that they’ve also made their first full-time hire, Matthew Harrison-Jones: Hannah is currently working her last 2 days at MOO, after which she will be officially be on Ghost full time (!!). The Ghost Foundation has also made its first full-time hire in the form of Matthew Harrison-Jones, a recent graduate who has been helping us out all over the place this summer […]
Will Ghost Pick Up Where WordPress Left Off?
In an already-fast circulating article John O’Nolan shares via FastCompany his candid thoughts on how Ghost is going to “pick up the mantle” that WordPress has put down: There is no longer such a strong notion that WordPress is “just a blogging platform,” because it’s actually no longer a blogging platform at all. Matt Mullenweg himself now says that the future of WordPress is as a “web operating system.” The state of online publishing is clear. All around us we see new platforms popping up, growing, and trying to fill the very large shoes which WordPress has left behind. These […]
Ghost: Releases Node.js Class, Over 27k Code Subs!
Ghost continues their development and they are hitting on all cylinders, for serious. In their latest update (for backers only) they shared the fact that they’ve seen over 27,000 core submissions: That’s all for now. We’re powering away on core development. There have been over 27,000 code additions to the core repository in the last month. That’s some code for ya. I’m excited to continue to see the development and happy to be a backer of the project via Kickstarter.
Hello Dolly Episode 7 – Lucky Number 7!
In this episode of Hello Dolly (hey, it’s lucky number 7, right?) we chat about 10 years worth of WordPress, Ghost – the things we like, we’re excited to see, and what we think of some of the suspicions that are already surfacing. We also chat about Yahoo!’s acquisition of Tumblr, and more. For more details on this episode, check out the show notes below!
Ghost Fully Funded! (and Then Some)
Now the real work begins as they complete their partner awards and press on toward launch! Oh yeah. It’s going to be grand. Ghost, the new blogging platform that will attempt to rival other blogging platforms, including WordPress in many ways, has more than reached its funding goal today. Now the wait begins to see what the product will become and how it will stack up against competitors.
Visual History of the Rise of WordPress
WordPress is on the warpath as we’ve just celebrated it’s 10th Anniversary and looking to put in another 10 years under it’s belt as we move forward into the future. And the future is very, very bright – much brighter than some of its so-called competitors, like Drupal, Joomla, and Blogger to name a few. Take a look at a visual history, courtesy of WPThemes:
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Hope you guys are getting ready for the weekend because not only is it a holiday (if you’re in the US) but Monday is the 10th Anniversary Party! Dig it! So until then, chew on some of these links while you wait to party!
Everyone Has a Price, Everyone.
There’s a lot of talk around the recent acquisition of Tumblr via Yahoo! and the varying perspectives are as varied as you might imagine, from those that have foretold the death of the tumblogging service to those that say this is the best thing that could happen to David Karp and his team. Regardless of where you sit I just want to salute David (and the investors) and applaud the work done – lots of time, resources ($125M in funding), and blood/sweat/tears went into building Tumblr and they’ve received a reward that was worth every penny (and then some). And to […]