As you may have noticed, things look a little different today as we’ve spent most of our time locking in our account and setting things up with BuySellAds.
For this introductory experiment (and you know that we love to experiment) we’ve got a very large top banner (728×90), some sidebar squares, and a content/comment interstitial for the time being.
For stage one of Operation “Make this blog pay for itself” we are simply mimicking some of the more common practices that audiences are familiar with on some of the other major technology blogs. To be sure, no innovation here my friends, at least for right now.
Our long-term plans are to re-deploy these advertising slots into a version 2 of the design layer sometime later this year. Things can always pivot and shift, but we’re dipping our toe in the proverbial water to see what we can discover about our unique and growing community.
We’ve been working hard over the last 5 months to bring to this wide and passionate community a consistent voice and channel of news and information. In the last 5 months we’ve been beaten, bruised, and we’ve learned a lot of what it takes to make something like this happen.
The #1 resource that we have is human capital, community-generated and community-powered. But it also takes a bit of leadership and it’s taken up an incredible amount of my time, time that our team at 8BIT and WP Daily have dedicated to make this ship sail just right, but we need to now start looking at the brass tacks, sotospeak.
This should come as no surprise and we’re quite thankful for the journey so far – we’ve been transparent with you all the way here and we don’t see that ever stopping.
Thanks for the support my friends and take advantage of these introductory rates as we imagine they may go fast. The statistics are just starting to be refreshed so don’t trust the 10,000 impressions – we’re doing about 10x that! It should normalize in due time.