It Started With a Normal Email The email was pretty much like every other one I’ve ever received asking if I have any time for a quick call to provide some insight. That week was pretty free in the afternoons, so I replied that I could get on a call a bit later in the week. I scheduled it and didn’t think about it for a day or two. Then when we got on the phone, I started listening to a story I’d heard a million times before. The software company was focused on building products but struggling under the […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
What a week – how was yours? I’m spending my time in Florida on a mini-vacation of sorts (still very-much working) and it’s been good so far. The team back home in Atlanta hasn’t let anything burn to the ground, so that’s good news. Hope you are finding some rest and relaxation this summer my friends!
Want Advertisements in Jetpack's Carousel?
Oh wow, you can! For those that are monetizing sites or helping others monetize their WordPress-powered sites then you know that advertising is a very large and important part of their venture. Although there are many ways in which you can monetize a site effectively and that have proven to work it’s sometimes the more difficult strategies that prove to be the most effective. Why don’t most people do them then? Because they are just that, more difficult, costly, and requires more things like A/B testing to prove effective.
Operation: Make This Blog Pay For Itself
As you may have noticed, things look a little different today as we’ve spent most of our time locking in our account and setting things up with BuySellAds. For this introductory experiment (and you know that we love to experiment) we’ve got a very large top banner (728×90), some sidebar squares, and a content/comment interstitial for the time being. For stage one of Operation “Make this blog pay for itself” we are simply mimicking some of the more common practices that audiences are familiar with on some of the other major technology blogs. To be sure, no innovation here my friends, […]
WordAds: Make Some Money via
For the longest time you couldn’t actually make any direct income from your blog – until they released WordAds back in late 2011. Since then it’s gained a lot of steam and added more and more users among their ranks. WordAds, for those that don’t know, allows you to directly reap the benefit of the traffic that you get through the placement of advertisements in your content. They use their partner organizations, like Google Adsense, to provide these targeted ads to your readers. You then get some money via Paypal for those placements based on performance. You can start and […]
New Tech, Blog Monetization, WordPress and You
The unfortunate truth is that most blogs make money from ad revenue which are inflexible, ineffective, and intrusive. Some people have come up with interesting solutions, such as the concept of sponsorship or subscriptions, but we are far from a solution. There have also been other, less beneficient, solutions out there. Championed by individuals like Darren Rowse, new tips and tricks on how to “monetize your blog” exploded on the Internet. The premise was fairly basic. You should provide a “value” to your audience other then your writing. Rowse used his own blog, Problogger as an example. The value that […]
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