If you run a site blog that deals with reviewing apps then you probably want to give your readers the option to install the app as soon as they finish reading.
The only problem is that a line of text isn’t the greatest call to action ever. So what can you do? Well you could just use an thumbnail image and link that image to the app but even then you reader still has to go through the installation process on the site.
What if there was a widget where a reader could install the app straight onto their device from your site?
This isn’t a purely hypothetical question for me, My new site MinimalDroid looks does some reviews of Android apps which I wanted to be able to installed directly from the Google play store, a cool feature no doubt, but at the moment Google doesn’t provide an easy embed code.
Step in Wp-Appbox.
How to Set It Up
You can download WP-Appbox from the WordPress plugin directory and then start using it straight away, but you might want to consider a few settings which you can edit in the settings section.
Here you can change which different app store are available in your editor display and the type of button (either a button or a banner, banners have more graphics):
You can also add in your affiliate codes here (more further down).
When you press the button in your editor is provides a short code which you need to add the app code to. This is different for the different app stores but within the settings there is a useful guide for what you have to add for the different app stores.
Not Just for Android Apps
The features aren’t just for Android though (that’s the main purpose I am using it for though) – it can also be used for a variety of other app stores:
- iTunes
- Windows store
- Windows phone store
- Chrome store
- Firefox apps
So if you are writing a blog targeting one of these areas (or perhaps you just write a lot of app reviews for your productivity/tech site) then this plugin will certainly snaz things up a bit.
Want to Make Some Money?
There is the option to make some affiliate money through The Android pit and the tradedoubler affiliate group for mac apps (though this appears to be locked for just German users at the moment). The button looks the same so remember to include your disclosure over the affiliate link.
Some Alternative Options
Naturally, there are some other options that you can choose from as well.
Playboard Android App
An android only alternative is Playboard Android app widget. Unlike Wp-Appbox, Playboard Android app can show multiple apps in a single widget, a useful option of a round up post of different apps.
Google Play appbox
an alternative Android app store plugin created by the same developer as the Wp-Appbox is Google Play appbox. Unlike Wp-Appbox it is only for Android apps. It also uses short codes but has been supported less (and is only in German)
App Store Assistant
This plugin works for Itunes, iOS apps, Mac apps, Amazon and affiliate support as well. It also has options to customise the widgets more than in Wp-Appbox which just provides you with either an app box or an app banner and you can add your own full description to the plugin.
As I was looking for an Android specific app and App Store Assistant wouldn’t help me but if you are looking for an Apple related plugin, this might be right for you.
Use an Image
As I mentioned at the start, there is no reason why you can just use an image which links to the app page. It might not bring in all the features that you can get from the different plugins that allow you to install from your own site or add affiliate codes but it does keep things simple and you can adjust the image as you want.