If you’re an internet geek (which, let’s face it, you are because you read a site about WordPress) then you have probably been accosted by the fact that today is the 20th anniversary of the World Wide Web.
Well technically Tim Berners-Lee invented the WWW a couple of years before at CERN and just a few day ago CERN released the WWW in Royalty Free public domain.
Twenty years ago, a team of researchers shared the Web with the world. Now they want to show a generation that grew up online what it was like in its earliest days.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN,is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the date it released, for free, the technology and software needed to run a Web server.
Tim has always been a bit of a hero of mine for inventing the web as we know it today, promoting the free and open internet and for being a fellow Brit.
Without the World Wide Web we wouldn’t have Hypertext, URLs or HTTP. Just try to imagine blogging without any of that? Not exactly easy is it? You can even check out the very first Web Page published in 1993 by Cern:
It’s not fancy but at this point there wasn’t even a graphic browser yet. 20 years later and look what we have now.
The WordPress 10 Years Anniversary
We also have the 10 year anniversary of WordPress coming this year 10 years after the World Wide Web. Although WordPress is dependent on the Web it has had an astounding impact as well.
The director general of CERN said that the Web has impacted most of society, which would include obviously the ecosystem taht birthed WordPress:
“There is no sector of society that has not been transformed by the invention, in a physics laboratory, of the Web,” said Rolf Heuer, CERN’s director-general. “From research to business and education, the Web has been reshaping the way we communicate, work, innovate and live. The Web is a powerful example of the way that basic research benefits humankind.”
WordPress has touched all these areas too, the number of popular sites around the web in science, business and education that are powered by WordPress continues to grow each year no doubt due to it’s solid foundation to build upon.
Who knows what people will say about WordPress in 10 years time – what will you say?