It’s humpday my friends and we’re half-way through the week – it’s that awkward middle part where we’re trying to figure out if we’ve gotten enough done in the first half while looking ahead at the last half and telling ourselves quietly that we’re going to make it out alive.
One thing to remember though is that you’re a part of a large community of people in the exact same boat. In fact, for some of us, we are part of a larger team and company that is trying just as hard to make it to the weekend. Why not give yourself a little less attention and focus on how well your partners and team is doing?
If you’re a manager or leader this can be the most important thing you do today – tell your team how much you appreciate them, how much value they are creating, and let them know that they really do matter.
A simple compliment can go a very, very long way. It might change the course of not just that person’s day but the rest of the week. It’s almost too easy to make casual jokes, especially online, but we’re all still human and have struggles and challenges that are deeply personal that we’re wrestling with.
Encourage one another, be bold with your praise just as much as your teasing. The latter is much easier and produces a much different outcome. The power of your collective team is the sum of the value you place in each other and the currency of trust that exists between all party members.
The same goes for the WordPress community that we have at large here. Maybe we need a bit more grace in our conversations, a bit more of a reality check. Stand on the shoulder of giants but don’t stomp – that’s just not polite.