It’s humpday my friends and we’re half-way through the week – it’s that awkward middle part where we’re trying to figure out if we’ve gotten enough done in the first half while looking ahead at the last half and telling ourselves quietly that we’re going to make it out alive. One thing to remember though is that you’re a part of a large community of people in the exact same boat. In fact, for some of us, we are part of a larger team and company that is trying just as hard to make it to the weekend. Why not […]
BTS: What are You Doing Today, This Weekend?
It’s been a while since we did our last “Behind the Scenes” post – we’ve simply been too busy getting work done! Hope you guys have had an incredibly-full yet awesome week of work and productivity (also, rest). As mentioned in the video, we’re looking to do more seminars and training in our office here which may include WordPress-related training, coaching, and workshops. Stay tuned for more information on our 8BIT blog for more on that.
Lend a Hand and Everyone Benefits
Don’t miss opportunities… The last few weeks have been a lot of me lending a hand to friends both old and new. I like to think that I am living proof that doing work for free in fact does get you somewhere since the work I did for free landed me my current salary job. Whether it builds up your portfolio, helps you meet and create new relationships with like minded people, or teaches you so much more than a book, a classroom, or a blog post. It doesn’t mean you should stop reading this though. (Way to […]
CoSchedule: Content Scheduling Coming Soon?
We referenced CoSchedule previously and didn’t have much information at that time because it was just a sneak peek but we’ve finally heard a few sound bytes from them over at their blog about what they are planning on releasing and it keeps getting better and better. Our goal is to ease the scheduling frustrations that come with blogging, social media, working in a team, and even email marketing. We believe that scheduling should be easy, intuitive, and even a little bit fun. It seems that CoSchedule is going to be a management solution for your blog’s content – and […]
Tips on Building a Great Team Around a Blog
Over the last few months I have had the pleasure of being a writer for WP Daily and it started to make me realize how important team work really is. Not only that, but the affect it is having on the blogging community. I have found great respect for John Saddington and his entire team as he leads all of us here to be an influence to all bloggers. I am a photographer and videographer and I follow many photo and video blogs pretty religiously because I am always wanting to learn about what is new and want to have […]
5 Characteristics of a Budding Entrepreneur
They say that entrepreneurs are a rare breed, that if everyone could be one then everyone would be one. I understand why people would believe this to be true but I believe that entrepreneurship can actually be taught instead of just inherited like a magic gene or something else as equally cosmic. In fact, besides mentoring and coaching existing entrepreneurs and walking with them through their current projects and ventures I’ve been spending time helping others fully embrace their inner-entrepreneur and teaching them the mechanics of building their own futures and products. But that doesn’t mean it is easy by any stretch […]
Behind the Scenes: All Together Now
Today is a milestone for us as the core partners are all hanging out in our new office together. As I mentioned in a previous post we have been and will continue to be a very distributed team but we are spending more time together to make even better progress on our core products and, of course, this blog. This is going to be a big season for us as a group as it’s a ‘make it or break it’ year for us in terms of our core metrics of business success – we’ve been together for 3 years and counting and although […]