The days of yesterday. When there used to be jobs that were much more specific. Now they seem to be specific, but they ask you to do 10 things rather than one. Jobs are just asking for more from less people.
The strong survive in the corporate world. What does this do? Well I for one feel it has taught me a ton about communication, but when it comes to my skills in creative work, nothing at work has really taught me anything or brought me progress.
You are Spread Thin
When we try to do ten things at once we don’t create quality work. We might get more done, but what is the quality of the work? Is it really all that great? Yeah it’s done, but are you proud of it?
Is it something that you will appreciate next year. Odds are you will pass it on like you eat lunch every day or take a shower. Yeah you get it done. It feels great. It tastes good. You feel better.
When it comes down to it though you just forget about it.
How Can I Make Quality Work When I’m So Busy?
I think we all come to a point where we realize what is important to all of us. What really matters? Seriously what the heck matters most in all the things we do every day?
Does it matter if I get this email back to him right this second? Does it matter if I text this person back right away? Does it matter if we are the first person to do a blog post about a brand new product announcement? Honestly, in the big picture, all of those things don’t really matter.
Unless the response is an emergency, none of those things matter. They can wait.
Concentrate on Now
If you can just focus on what you are doing now and genuinely care about it rather than just throw it down the assembly line, that’s when quality starts to happen.
I know we all have due dates and such, but when it comes down to making something we are proud of, the extra time, energy, and focus can really go a long way.
You get to sharpen your sword and wield it in the future when you need it most. That’s where the growth happens.
It happens because of the quality that we do and the struggles we face along the way.
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