How is everyone’s Friday going? Glad the weekend is now starting? I know I am! I have a number of new and updated plugins to share with you today.
Check them all out after the jump!
New Plugins
- DeMomentSomTres Export Version: 1.0 DeMomentSomTres Export was build because DeMomentSomTres| had a customer with a very big blog that had to be
- DeMomentSomTres Address Version: 1.2 DeMomentSomTres Catalog shows your product portfolio in the website.
- Wp Dpla Display related items from the Digital Public Library of America on your WP posts
- dlb’s Send-A-Link Send-A-Link allows visitors to send someone an email containing a link to the post or page and some comments.
Updated Plugins
- WordPress Landing Pages Create landing pages for your WordPress site. Monitor and improve conversion rates, run A/B split tests, customize your own templates and more.
- Disable Admin Bar ToolBar and more … Disable (basic) WordPress 3.1+ Admin Bar and WordPress 3.3+ ToolBar (or later) Bump CB, Shaddow Effect, Pointers.
- All In One WP Security & Firewall A comprehensive, user-friendly, all in one WordPress security and firewall plugin for your site.
- Represent The Represent API plugin allows developers to easily create plugins that harness the Represent API.
- Meta Box Meta Box plugin helps you easily implement multiple meta boxes in editing pages in WordPress. Works with custom post types and various field types.
- Okay Toolkit The Okay Toolkit extends functionality to Okay Themes. It provides a portfolio custom post type, image gallery support, and social media widgets.
- GRA4 Social Network GRA4 Social Network arms WordPress with social network functionality: friends,likes,activity streams,groups,messaging,events and more.
- MMWW Integrate your media metadata workflow with WordPress’s Media Library
- Confident CAPTCHA Confident CAPTCHA™ is a clickable, picture CAPTCHA that stops spam and malicious bots, while remaining very easy for people to solve.
- User Switching Instant switching between user accounts in WordPress.
- gtw Google Translate Widget makes your website multilingual and available to the world using Google Translate
- Easy FancyBox Easily enable the FancyBox jQuery extension on just about all media links. Multi-Site compatible. Supports iFrame and Flash movies.
- Rotating Tweets (Twitter widget and shortcode) Twitter widget and shortcode to show your latest tweets one at a time an animated rotation
- Diagnostic Tool Non Invasive Email, Network & File System Diagnostics Tool
- Bfcshop WordPress Clock Calendar Bfcshop WordPress Clock Calendar for WordPress
- Fancier Author Box by ThematoSoup Give identity to your single or multi-author WordPress website with Fancier Author Box – The Only Author Box Plugin You’ll Ever Need.
- Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter, Facebook & Google+ Help visitors share your posts on popular social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Linkedin, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit and others.
- WP Local SEO WP Local SEO improves your visibility by adding location information in format to your posts and creates a sitemap with geo information.
- Inpsyde AntiSpam Simple antispam solution with the magic of javascript
- PayPal Digital Goods powered by Cleeng PayPal Digital Goods powered by Cleeng helps you to make money with your quality content.
- 100 Cities Add great content to your posts automatically: just choose a city and get a map, photos, data, and related articles. Very useful for travel bloggers!
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