Contrary to what you may have heard, the core WordPress software is very secure. So why do you hear about other people’s WordPress sites being hacked? Perhaps even you’ve been hacked yourself. These security breaches occur not because of a vulnerability in the WordPress software, but because of weak user passwords, vulnerabilities in plugins or themes, and not keeping the software up to date. Still, in today’s world, when big companies like Sony and Apple are getting hacked, nothing is ever 100% secure. So we want to take steps to make our websites as secure as possible. I’ve gathered 5 of the […]
Strengthen Your Security with These 5 WordPress Plugins
To find more great plugins, check out Torque’s free eBook, The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Plugins. Download it here. WordPress is the most user-friendly Content Management System (CMS). With its well-crafted software and intuitive nature it now dominates over 20% of the web. Despite the success of WordPress, its pervasive use makes it a growing target for hackers. WordPress, as a platform, is secure, but there are still vulnerabilities that can leave your site exposed. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize vulnerabilities and ensure site security. WordPress security plugins are an effective option when it comes to securing your site. In […]
Daily Theme & Plugin Roundup – 6.14.2013
How is everyone’s Friday going? Glad the weekend is now starting? I know I am! I have a number of new and updated plugins to share with you today. Check them all out after the jump!