The answer is a resounding “Yes” because we already know of great sites that are doing it, like WP101 that creates training videos for people and that partners with the likes of and other companies to provide their service to them.
This is an obvious use of video and as WP101 expands internationally it’s going to be a sustainable and valuable resource for thousands of people (if not many, many more).
But what I’m talking about is not just a video-centric educational system or business – what I’m talking about is a videocast-ish commentary business where you sit around and talk about WordPress, all… day… long…
For example, Matt Medieros is one of the most video-centric guys that I’ve come across in the WordPress world and he’s doing videos left and right covering tons of topics with a bunch of cohosts as well.
He’s got shows like:
- Matt Report
- Week in WordPress
- Learn WordPress
- SEO Lunch
- FreshDev
- Press This
- And more…?!
He’s essentially started a main category of videocasting that covers most of the main top-level interests within the WordPress community and he does it consistently, week after week after week. It’s hard for me to imagine him thinking (or doing) anything else with his time.
The question, though, is will this work and does it have the potential for a profitable and sustainable business? I believe the jury’s still out on that one but I think Matt’s on to something big and it could be the making of a very neat and somewhat different type of company.
I’m not sure what Matt is up to but he’s doing what he’s passionate about and doing it consistently, pretty much the prime mix of ingredients to get something of significance started. You’ve got one fan who’s for it and although I can’t possibly consume or listen/watch every single episode I think you’re on to something (I just don’t know what).
The lesson here for all of us is this: Do what you do best, do what you’re passionate and interested in, and do it consistently. The wide-world of WordPress and business is growing and it’s just as tough as any other business venture – dedication, tons of sweat-equity, and a bit of luck.
Good on you Matt.
So what’s your idea for a different WordPress-business? Got one that you’re going to launch this year? Can’t wait to see and hear about it (and make sure you let us know).