It hasn’t even been a full week since we launched our new job board for this community and we’ve already seen thousands of pageviews and a handful of jobs every single day get published.
Honestly, it’s a bit tough to add yet another system in place for us but without question it’s creating value for others and so it’s worth it to us to keep doing it.
As we had shared in our launch post the current iteration is strictly our MVP attempt to get it off the ground – we’re not using much more out of the box than a slightly customized version of a yearly them and Gravity Forms.
Sure, there are tons of plugins that do job boards and even a few themes that have it all baked together in one nice box, but we opted to save ourselves the time and energy on a more mature solution and instead see if the community even cared about having one.
Well, it’s obvious that our Job Board will definitely stand on it’s own two feet and as a result we’ve started a cursory look at options out there to aid us in making an even more effective job board.
The timing couldn’t be more perfect because a few days after we launched Mike Jolley, the lead developer and creator of WooCommerce, launched his beta version of WP Job Manager, available on GitHub.
Mike isn’t a stranger to awesomeness because WooCommerce is the shi!t (i.e. awesome) when it comes to eCommerce plugins so it’s near the top of the list as contenders.
And it has some crazy features to boot using shortcodes to activate, which you can see via the screens:
Again, the timing couldn’t be more perfect.
Now, it’s still in “beta” so it’s not something that I’m just going to throw up onto our new site so we’ll sit and wait to see how it develops and matures, but it’s something to keep on your radar as well.
Sweet. I honestly can’t wait for v1.0!