Happy 4th of July! I hope you all have a fun and safe holiday! I have some updated plugins to share with you today.
Check them out after the jump!
Updated Plugins
- Twitter Feed List Twitter API 1.1 compliant wordpress plugin that provides a widget to display a twitter feed based on your search input.
- Google +1 button automator Automatically adds Google +1 buttons to your posts and lets you customize it’s display methods
- Twitter Mentions As Comments Twitter Mentions as Comments scours Twitter for people talking about your site & silently inserts their Tweets alongside your existing comments.
- New Google Plus Badge Widget This plugin allows you to quickly and easily add the new Google Plus badge widget to your blog running WordPress.
- Facebook Gefällt mir Button Mit diesem Plugin kann jeder schnell und einfach einen Facebook Gefällt mir Button bzw. Like Button in seinem WordPress Blog einbinden. Kostenlos
- Private Community For BP Lite Makes BP pages private and only accessable to logged in users with the exception of the pages you set.
- CleverReach – Newsletter Marketing Widget für die Integration eines CleverReach Anmeldeformulars in der Sidebar und Plugin für die Abonnentengewinnung über Kommentare. PHP5 und S
- WP Security Audit Log Identify WordPress security issues before they become a problem. Keep an audit log of everything that happens on WordPress
- Apply with LinkedIn buttons Use this plugin to easily add “Apply with LinkedIn” buttons to job opening posts and lets you customize them
- WP e-Commerce Dynamic Gallery Bring your product pages and presentation alive with WP e-Commerce Dynamic Gallery. Simply and Beautifully.
- WP-Property – WordPress Powered Real Estate and Property Management Property and Real Estate Management Plugin for WordPress. Create a directory of real estate / rental properties and integrate them into you WordPress
- WordPress Related Posts WordPress Related Posts generates a list of related posts with thumbnails and gives you click-through statistics.
- Two Factor Auth for WooCommerce Adds a field for a One Time Password to WooCommerce’s login form.
- Post Status Notifier Lite Lets you create **individual notification rules** to be informed about all post status transitions of your blog. Features custom email texts with many
- Metro Style Social Widget Metro Style Social Network Widget
- Fancy Image Show This is a simple image rotation plugin. The image rotation happens with five different fancy effects, so it is named fancy image show.
- WordPress Social Invitations Version: 1.3 Tested on: 3.5.1
- Inline Navi This plug-in displays the contents of the child page on a parent page with a tab.
- Plugin Reinstaller The Plugin Reinstaller plugin enables the bulk plugin reinstall.
- Settings Revisions Keep revisions of changes to your settings, now specifically those exposed in Theme Customizer. Roll back to a previous state of your settings.
- EZ Favicon An easy to use WordPress favicon plugin.
- Orbisius bbPress Signature This plugin allows your users to have signatures in a bbPress powered forum.
- Showguests Showguests is a plugin for showing the newest quests on your blog.
- Easy Digital Downloads – Related Downloads Show related downloads by tag or category when using Easy Digital Downloads plugin.
- jonradio Multiple Themes Select different Themes for one or more, or all WordPress Pages, Posts or other non-Admin pages. Or Site Home.
- Posts By Tag Provide sidebar widgets that can be used to display posts from a set of tags in the sidebar.
- Genesis Prose Extras Additions for the Prose Child Theme for Genesis Framework: Widgetized Homepage, layouts, menu positions, translation loading, plus various helpers.
- Admin Block Country Block access to your admin pages by country.
- Genesis Layout Extras This plugin for Genesis Framework allows modifying of default layouts for homepage, various archive, attachment, search, 404 pages via theme options.
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