The world of CMS solutions is getting wider, not smaller, every single day. For me it’s almost impossible for to pick and choose the ones to cover on occasion here otherwise myself (and you guys) would spend too much time checking out new apps instead of actually getting any work done!
But this one’s worth a look (or two) and even perhaps considering for a future project.
Webydo is pretty simple from the outset – it gives web creators the ability to have a great looking site without without knowing a lick of code. This tension (and solution) is not a new one but what it does have is a draw toward the designers among us as you can publish your work with ease.
You have control over a number of components such as fonts, backgrounds, images, and tons of media elements in a slick and simple drag-and-drop admin.
I started one quickly and within moments I was editing an existing template for my own use:
Not bad in terms of just getting your feet wet and it might be a simple alternative to that one small project (or two) that you’re trying to get off the ground.
Check out Webydo this weekend if you have a spare few moments.