Though it has grown significantly in the last 13 years, WordPress was born as a blogging platform. It was created as a way to give anyone with a computer and an Internet connection a voice. While many users now use the CMS to make a sell online or create a landing page for a store, writing is still involved. It’s important to make any blog posts or product description accurate and error free.
It’s much easier than you’d think to achieve perfection. All it takes is some time and an eye for detail. Readers are more likely to stick around if articles are easy to read. All it takes is some proofreading.
Proofreading Tools
If you want some help with your proofreading, try these tips and tools to get you on the top of your game.
Here are simple things you should do before publishing any article:
- Research your topic thoroughly: Whatever you’re writing about, you need to project an air of authority. You can’t do that if you’re getting basic facts and figures wrong. Do your research before you write, and fact check once you’re done.
- Ensure you have the rights for what you use: You may well be using material from other sources. That’s ok, as long as you’re sure you have the rights to use it. If you’re not sure, ask before you take it.
- Don’t rely on spell-check: Spell check is a wonderful invention, but it’s not the be all and end all. It can’t catch everything, so don’t rely on it. Run spell check, then proofread manually to catch everything else.
- Learn your common mistakes: Everyone has a weak point. What’s yours? If you investigate, you’ll find out where you struggle, and to watch out for in your writing.
- Take breaks: It’s tempting to plow on with work, especially when you’re short on time. However, you won’t do yourself any favors. Instead, take breaks when you can. You can then attack your proofreading while you’re refreshed.
- Print your writing out: Proofreading your writing in a different medium makes the job a lot easier. That’s because you’re then forced to look at it in a different way, so you’ll spot the mistakes that eluded you before.
- Read out loud: Read your content out loud. You may feel very silly, but it’s a great way to spot errors that may have slipped by you before. You’ll also get a feel for how your work reads and flows.
- Read your content backwards: This isn’t as ridiculous as it sounds. If you read from the bottom up, you can’t concentrate on the meaning of your work. Instead, you’ll have to focus on the technical aspect of your writing, making it easier to correct mistakes when you see them.
- Improve your grammar: Good grammar means your content is easier to read and much more simple to digest. If you’re not sure about your own skills, brush up by checking out the Academized grammar guide.
- Get rid of the distractions: You won’t get anything done if you’re distracted by the TV, internet, or anything else. Find somewhere quiet to work, and dedicate your entire attention to what you’re doing.
- Have someone else read your work: If you have a co-worker or other trusted person around, give them your writing. You’re very close to your own work, so it’s easy to miss mistakes. They’ll be able to spot what you’ve missed.
- Don’t forget your punctuation: Punctuation can make or break your content. Look for misplaced apostrophes, capitalizations, or periods. Fixing them can make all the difference to your writing.
- Check your contractions: Words such as they’re and their are mixed up all the time, as are you’re and your. Make sure you’re using the right version of the contraction in your text.
- Check names and places: These won’t show up on a spell check, but you don’t want to get them wrong. Be vigilant with names and places, and triple check them before publishing.
- Enlist the help of others: If you struggle to find the time to proofread, don’t be tempted to skip this step. Instead, hire a service to check your writing for you. It’s money well spent.
Proofreading Tools
Even the best editors can miss things, and when you’re on your own, it can be scary to publish something without having someone take a look at it. These tools can give you the confidence to put out something accurate.
- Proofread Bot: Paste your writing into this tool, and it will highlight any errors you’ve made in your writing.
- Hemingway Editor: This site will highlight different errors in different colors, so you can tell where you’re weakest in your writing.
- AutoCrit: Make your writing much sharper by running it through this tool.
- Grammar Check: This tool is the best one to use if you’re looking to correct and improve your grammar.
- Essay Writing Service: This proofreading service can check over your writing when you can’t, so you will have a highly polished copy every time you publish.
- Edit Minion: This proofreading tool can be tweaked to look for anything, from passive voice to weak words in your text.
- Easy Word Count: This tool will check how long your pieces are for you. As a bonus, it will highlight any mistakes you’ve made as well.
- Slick Write: This tool is perfect for both writing and editing in. It’ll highlight errors in your text, as well as give you detailed data on your work.
- Grammarly: This proofreading tool will work with whatever you use to write online, whether it’s WordPress, Facebook, or Twitter.
International proofreading tools:
- Assignment Help: This writing service can provide writing consultations, no matter what you’re trying to write. Get in touch with them and they’ll help with the piece you’re putting together.
- UK Custom Essay: This proofreading service is well known for just how quickly it can proofread and edit your posts. If you’re trying to keep up with a trend and need content on the fly, they’ll be able to keep up with your schedule.
- Australian Assignment Writing Service: This site is an excellent information source, especially on issues such as grammar and editing. Get in touch with them if you need advice on proofreading.
There’s lots of tools out there that can help you get the most out of your writing. If you make sure you always proofread, and use tools that can assist you, then you’ll cut down on proofreading time and effort. You’ll also get a lot more out of your writing. Give them a try for yourself.