The Los Angeles Times, a huge media conglomerate and news site, has announced their creation of their Media Kit via WordPress VIP Services, a solution that Automattic provides to much larger sites and blogs. The site, obviously aimed toward advertisers and business relations, boasts a simple presentation including video and relavant content for organizations wanting to do business. This isn’t the first VIP solution that the LA Times has launched as they also have Framework and Hero Complex, a very popular movies and pop culture blog. Check it out below:
WordPress Now Powers 17% of the Top 1MM Sites on the Web
I’m loving this recent news via Matt Mullenweg as he talks with Om Malik of GigaOM via LeWeb Paris 2012. Matt names two things in particular that have been created this opportunity: It’s about responsibility. It’s about creating a sustainable business (Automattic). It is the second way that enables it to stay “large and independent” which I hope that Matt and his team can continue to do.
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