I recently wrote an article here on Torque discussing my thoughts on net neutrality and the possible outcomes of the recent vote by the FCC. Now that the FCC has voted, let’s turn our attention to the winners and losers from the new rules. Winners In short, the vote was the FCC’s way of saying “no soup for you” to parties interested in throttling Internet traffic and to the proponents of pay-to-play fast lanes on the information superhighway. This is a good thing. I like the idea of the little guy getting a fair shake at accessing and disrupting the market […]
Don’t throttle my ingenuity: Why the little guy needs net neutrality
Much of the debate surrounding net neutrality has framed the issue as both ideological (with those favoring more regulation pitted against free-market advocates) and political (with all sorts of strange bedfellows staking out positions on behalf of various constituencies). Net neutrality is certainly both of these things, but from my perspective as in-house counsel for an Internet start-up, the real story of net neutrality resonates most clearly in the familiar story of David and Goliath. David was the scrappy kid who stood up for his beliefs and had the courage to confront an opposing giant. David’s skill and the strength […]