Picture the emotions that come to your mind when you think about your web development business. Can you recall the excitement of signing a new contract for building a website or the joy of solving a critical problem that took you most of the last week? But then there is fear. How you are going to pay your bills this month when the phone goes silent for too long, and you haven’t got a single offer request for a couple of weeks. There is frustration when your customer delays the project. There is anxiety when you are refused to get […]
Things You Should Know As A Freelancer WordPress Developer In 2018
There are many ways to improve freelance web developer revenue. The holy grail may be hidden somewhere between sales process improvements, creating better proposals, and changing the pitch. Sometimes the key is actually to offer products that do not require pitching at all. Let’s go through a few ways to get noticed and start making money. Drive Toward The Need Changing the way web developers position themselves is an excellent first step on the journey to making more money. The crucial part here is to understand what’s driving customers to purchase. Why do they even want to have a website? […]