The 13th century French proverb “mauvés ovriers ne trovera ja bon hostill” roughly translates to “a bad workman will never find a good tool.” I’m sure at the time this proverb applied to stone masons and carpenters. Few would have imagined that it would also apply to web developers pushing bits around on a screen centuries later. It’s unlikely that you are “a bad workman.” You are reading this article afterall. You’re probably looking for a new tool to help you with WordPress development. High performing web developers don’t do that. In his reveting WordCamp San Diego 2013 talk, the […]
The Best Time to Buy is Now
So, you just bought a shiny new widget and it’s great. You couldn’t be happier with your purchase. However, a couple weeks later you notice the widget is on sale – 50% off! How do you feel? Do you expect to be refunded the difference? Some of my good friends in the software business don’t think that’s a fair expectation. If you purchased something for $100 last week, you did so because you believed that it was worth $100 to you. If it wasn’t, you would not have spent the money. — From Adii’s article Promotional Leniency If I purchased a product at full […]