The REST API is a universal exchange language that every website and application can use to communicate. It allows you to obtain data from remote sources, e.g., third-party apps, using the so-called HTTP commands – GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. REST API is flexible software because it returns data in various formats. However, WP REST API sends and receives data in the JSON format only. Web developers highly value it since it requires no additional protocols to function correctly. WordPress REST API is an autonomous system, which is just good on its own as it can be. But as with […]
Best WordPress Template: Monstroid2 vs. Divi vs. Avada
Building a website, you can go for a good template, a better template or for a super-cool one. You can even go for the very best template in the market. However, how do you learn which theme is currently the best? Template market is vast, and it’s hard to single out the best among best-selling themes. To make the lookout for the best template of this year simpler, we ran a criteria-based comparison and leadership contest for Monstroid2, Divi and Avada. You’ll see the leading-edge templates 2018 compared based on most vital criteria, such as visual customization ease, abundance of […]
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