We shared the news a little while ago about Tung Do’s DP Dashboard and it got a lot of attention as well as both a handful of “heck yeahs!” and “um, I hate this” responses.
Tung has taken all of that on the chin and responded very positively, continuing to move forward in his project and taking the great pieces of feedback that was received in the v0.1 release.
This one, called Haymaker, sees an incredible update with the design and actually does see some “Wow!” factor in terms of look and feel. This new admin theme, called Hunter, see auto-updates, media uploader design changes, custom CSS, and more.
The main focus was the fact that this is no longer an admin overwrite of CSS – it is the admin CSS. You won’t see a flash of the default design when you refresh. In addition, other developers will be able to modify the DP Dashboard much easier. Check out some neat screens he’s shared after the jump:
What do you think of Tung’s v0.2?