We’ve been seeing an incredible influx of emails since launching WP Daily from all over the place asking us one simple question (two actually):
Do you know someone who can help me with WordPress?
These people are looking for help on a particular project and even a handful of them are looking for part-time and full time employees! We’ve been using our own internal rolodex to help these people out but it’s gotten to be a bit of a hassle.
In addition, we’ve gotten an increased number of inquiries that have been around this question as well:
I’m looking for more WordPress work – know anyone that needs help?
These people might be full time freelancers and contractors looking to land their next gig or they are trying to increase their portfolio and body of work so as to, possibly, escape their current (much more lame) 9-to-5.
Again, we’ve busted out our own internal and personal list of clients and even tweeted out a few times needs in hopes to connect people.
Well, we thought we could do better than that…
Introducing our super-thing and super-trim WordPress Job Board!
Sure, it’s nothing to look at, but it functions exactly as we need it to function:
- Submit a job.
- Browse jobs based on category or job type.
- Sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of your day.
That’s about it! We used a slightly-customized version of Twenty Twelve theme and integrated Gravity Forms to manage submissions.
There is no cost to list a help wanted, job, or project post on our site! We’re doing this to help streamline the process of people needing help and people who can give that help to them!
Hopefully you can find it useful. Let us know if you have any questions or if you have any ideas to improve it! You’ll also now see us tweet new jobs out via our Twitter account (@wpdailyco) so make sure to follow us there or even subscribe to the Job RSS Feed.
Good luck!