Like with most great things in the WordPress community, it started with WebDev Studios. Two founders, writing code and sometimes writing books. And a friend of theirs, Lisa Sabin-Wilson, also writing some code and writing books. And then they merged. If you were at Pressnomics this past year, you heard Lisa’s version of the story. And it was compelling. And I’m sure it made more than one small company think about its own position in the ecosystem. Should they partner with someone else? Should they merge? But how do you go about doing this? The questions were plentiful, I’m sure. […]
Finely Tuned Consultant: Alex King
I love to build things. I love creating something that delights the people that use it. I believe in thinking critically and being intentional. I humor my compulsive trait by letting it drive me to make things better. Alex King has been around WordPress since the earliest days. He’s one of the original contributors to WordPress, beginning his career in Silicon Valley. Now in Denver, he continues to be a leader in the community, developing themes and plugins that are some of the most innovative and powerful on the market. His team at Crowd Favorite is top notch, leading the way both […]
Publishing Workflow: Techniques and Plugins
Any serious online publisher and blogger knows that a publishing workflow is essential for survival – it’s what enables us to push out content consistently and with speed enabling the blog to stay competitive and fresh in a very wide and growing competitive landscape. Even if you aren’t an editor of a news blog or having to manage multiple authors and posts a day, you also have a personal workflow that suits your needs – I bet it could be improved though! Jake Goldman of 10up shared this presentation at the recent CMS Expo 2013 and it’s worth a look, […]
Keeping a Developer Journal with Capsule
If you’ve been a developer for a long time or a short time then you will likely have some sort of developer journal already. No, no, not like that type of journal that you keep under your pillow and that has a lock and key on it, but rather a “journal” or collection of articles, code snippets, and perhaps even lessons-learned from your previous work. You see, the best developers have their “tricks” and “personal dev secrets” not hidden in their brain pan but rather in a simple archive or note taking system and/or device so that they can do their […]
The Future of WordPress Post Formats UI?
Ever bought a stationary bike the entire family was ecstatic about using, only to see it turn into an expensive clothes rack? Then a few years later you finally decide to get serious about it and start spinning? In WordPress Universe, post formats are like that bike. The main problem with post formats is that they make theme developers do a lot of guess work. If you search Post formats Codex page, you’ll find words could and may thirteen times (combined), should is there only once, not a perfect implementation of Decisions not Options principle. The whole idea behind post formats was to create a […]