The perpetual argument- Mac or PC? Coffee or Tea? Messy or Clean? I set out to solve these great questions (or at least take an unrepresentative, statistically irrelevant visual survey for fun). A number of folks in the WordPress community of developers and designers were asked to send over photos of their desks as they were at the moment, no cleaning allowed. Now you can get a behind-the-scenes look at all the glorious screens, tchotchkes, and other developer do-dads that power the WordPress community and answer the above questions for yourself! Thanks to the following community friends who took a […]
Hello Dolly: Episode 1 – The Empire Strikes Back
A couple of weeks ago, we released Episode 0 of Hello Dolly. Generally speaking, the podcast was largely an experiment not only to see if we could pull off something that was a worthwhile contribution to WordPress in the podcast-space, but to see if there was any interest from others in listening to anything we had to share. Based on the feedback of the first episode – all of which that we’re thankful for, by the way – it was evident that we should move forward. So we took everything you guys suggested and critiqued and aimed to release the official […]
Poetry: Life in Motion and Code
I just had the pleasure of being interviewed by Code Poet, a free resource for anyone who builds anything with WordPress. It’s an Automattic production so these are trusted resources coming right from the staff themselves – seriously worth a subscribe (and telling others about it). I share some thoughts about how I got started with WordPress and where it’s taken me. It’s honestly hard to imagine the impact that one piece of software could have on my short life so far – I felt like I could write a book on it so far and there’s still so much […]
The House That WordPress Built, Literally.
There have been two blog posts that have been shared immensely recently, both on Smashing Magazine about being a top WordPress developer and a top WordPress professional. Both articles are fantastic and Siobhan McKeown and Jonathan Wold really share some neat insights from their experiences with WordPress. I liked both of them because I have experienced both myself, starting as a WordPress developer (starting at Strayhorn, WordPress v1.5) and then building a successful contracting company and then leading a team that develops a WordPress Theme as it’s core flagship product, thus moving me into the sphere of a WordPress professional. And it all started […]