The GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is coming May 25th. It’s similar to the European Cookie Law, but a lot more strict and specific on what data sites can collect from users. In spite of many recent news stories about big companies mining our data, I still find myself oddly dreading designing a site post-GDPR. We wrote about the GDPR in more detail here.
Torque Toons: The Most Ambitious Crossover Event In History
Marvel: ‘Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history’ Me: Let’s Encrypt has now issued over 50 million active certificates.
How to Add a Free SSL Certificate to Your WordPress Site
Adding an SSL certificate to your site’s domain is one of the best ways to secure your WordPress website. Although a secure (and SSL-enabled) site is necessary for many sites, the cost and implementation concerns linked with it have stood in the way of its widespread deployment. Up until recently, getting started with a functional SSL certificate was no cakewalk. However, the new open source certificate authority, Let’s Encrypt, changed that forever in hopes of creating a more secure and privacy-respecting web. In this post, we’ll walk you through step by step instructions to install a free SSL certificate to […]
Torque Toons: Let’s Encrypt the Star Wars Galaxy
I used to think all the clunky tech in the Star Wars universe was just a result of being based in a 1970’s sci-fi flick, but what if it’s all just security protocols because Let’s Encrypt wasn’t around yet? Don’t forget to check out our other editorial toons!
What 2017 Will Mean for Your WordPress Workflow
2016 was a big year for WordPress, and 2017 is already set to be even bigger. With Let’s Encrypt changing the SSL landscape, Automattic changing the criteria of their recommended hosting solutions, and the REST API continuing its emergence, there’s a lot to consider in the months to come. So what does all of this mean for WordPress developers and users? In a nutshell, it means a lot! The new year will bring with it huge changes to the world of WordPress, which could take you by surprise if you’re not up to speed. In this post, we’ll dust off […]
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