Static images too boring? Wish all videos looped endlessly? Tired of your compressed images having more than 256 colors? If so, then you probably love GIFs! GifDrop is a WordPress plugin that allows you to drag and drop your favorite GIFs onto your own custom page. It’s still in beta, but the current version is pretty slick. In fact, I’ve been running a GifDrop page on my own site to display my 3D animated gifs, and we just added our new page here on “The inspiration for GifDrop was Norcross’ prolific animated GIF collection,” said Mark Jaquith, one of the creators […]
Improving Third-Party API Performance in WordPress with the WP-TLC-Transient Library
Minimizing page load time is incredibly important for both UX and SEO. We spend tons of time obsessing over getting our code and servers optimized to serve our sites as fast as possible, but once you incorporate data from external APIs, you may be putting your site’s load times at the mercy of an external server that you have no control over. Even under the best circumstances, site performance will generally still be an issue when getting data from third-party APIs, due to the additional time required to make extra HTTP requests. For these reasons, it’s important to leverage a caching system […]
DradCast Episode 40: Brain of a Sperm Whale
Show Notes Host Mark Jaquith is a Lead Developer on the WordPress web publishing platform. He’s also a web publishing consultant to everyone from individuals to startups to established media companies. His personal goal is to bring intuitive, low-cost web publishing to everyone who has anything to say. Sippin’ On Dre-Captain Morgan Brad-Captain Morgan Mark-Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA Pressing Topics WordPress 3.8.2 3.8.2 is now available. The update fixes several bugs and contains some hardening updates. WordPress 3.9 Release Candidate The first release candidate for WordPress 3.9 is now available for testing. Velocity Version 1.0 The launch date for Velocity version 1.0 April 10. DevPress Sold […]
Post Formats UI WILL NOT Ship With 3.6!
Mark Jaquith made a very tough decision today and announced that the new Post Formats UI everyone’s been talking about for the upcoming release of WordPress 3.6, will be taken out of core and moved to a plugin.
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
It’s been a pretty crazy week here at 8BIT and WP Daily but that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t bee fun – we’re having tons of fun getting tons of stuff done, I just wish we had an extra few hours in each day to get it all sorted! This probably isn’t too far from what you guys are experiencing so I’ll just leave it at that, but I hope your resting his weekend and finding time to hang out with those that matter, like your friends, your family, and your bed. I know that I’ve already had my share […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
What a week it has been my friends! I’m not so sure about you, but this past week nearly killed me – trying to get back into the “groove” of things gets harder and harder and harder. But we survived the first week of April, didn’t we? On to the next one!
WordPress 3.6 Beta 1 Delayed
But not by much. If you’ve been watching Core trac and the proposed schedule then you would have known that Beta 1 was supposed to be done today. Not a big deal but’s it’s important to know why, as Mark Jaquith explains: Our original schedule had us hitting beta 1 today, March 13th. We’re not quite there. Beta should mean that we’re feature complete, and we’re not. We could do what we’ve done in the past, and declare a beta, while continuing to do feature work, but that just devalues the meaning of “beta”. I want people in the WordPress […]
Crap. Goodbye Editorial Flow in 3.6 Core
Freakin’ crap. The editorial flow for 3.6 was the feature that I was most looking forward to in the upcoming 3.6 release, especially with all the editorial work that we do here on WP Daily. And I know that many of you also shared similar excitement with the coming addition to core as it would significantly increase your productivity and content management. Alas, it was heartbreaking to hear that it’s been dropped – the justifications are reasonable and I’m not that upset but I may pour out a little liquor for my editorial flow homies. Mark Jaquith broke the sad news yesterday: I’ve […]
First Draft of Twenty Thirteen Now in Core
The new Twenty Thirteen theme is now in WordPress Core, as Mark Jaquith has just announced over on Make WordPress Core. It’s a pretty big departure from what we usually expect out of a default bundled theme in terms of colour, but my first impression is very positive. There’s a demo site available for those who want to take a quick tour. You can also install it yourself if you’re into installing WordPress trunk from SVN.
Breaking Git History, Rebase and/or Re-Clone
There’s a very active discussion over at Make Core surrounding a proposal from Mark Jaquith to create a proper Git mirror. The issue? Forgetting to use the appropriate authors.txt file. So what is the solution? Proposed: That we re-run the git-svn import with a proper authors.txt file. Upsides – We’ll have a proper Git mirror with good and consistent author data, that we can, if desired, use for a future migration to Git. Commits will be properly attributed in GitHub. Downsides – This will break Git history. If you have a Git checkout of WordPress, either standalone or in a submodule, that’ll mean that you’ll have to rebase your master […]
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