Crazy week, right? It’s been one for the record books for me personally as I’ve been attempting to finalize a Kickstarter campaign and project that has pretty much hijacked my entire life. At some point I’ll have a massive retrospective, but I’m exhausted with only a day or so to go. But naturally there’s been more news than just Kickstarter project – here are some of the things that happened this previous week that you may not have gotten to see. Oh, and by the way, make sure you’re aware of the big super bot that’s attempting to access your […]
SVG-version of the WordPress Logo
Do you know about SVGs? Here’s your quick primer if you need a refresh: SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML [XML10]. SVG allows for three types of graphic objects: vector graphic shapes (e.g., paths consisting of straight lines and curves), images and text. Graphical objects can be grouped, styled, transformed and composited into previously rendered objects. The feature set includes nested transformations, clipping paths, alpha masks, filter effects and template objects. What happens, in a nutshell, is that you can begin to work with graphics in ways that have been previously difficult or impossible to do. […]
Is MP6 a Better Mobile Interface?
One of the core elements in a new User interface has to be that it is easier to use on a mobile device. People are using mobile devices more for content consumption and content production but so far (as an android users) I haven’t really been convinced enough to make the switch to using my tablet or phone [or more recently Phablet in a Glaxey note 2] to produce web content. The main issues have been prolonged writing on a touch screen keyboard auto correct spelling image positioning editing text The Native app addresses some of these issues, providing a simple interface […]
MP6 – Top Secret Plugin???
We found a secret plugin in today’s roundup and I wanted to spend a litte more time digging into it. The name of the plugin is MP6 and the author is Matt Mullenweg. It seems to be a plugin that is dedicated to UI changes for WordPress 3.6. Simplifying the wp-admin UI is a challenging task, as flattening the icons showed us when you improve one thing it just makes all of the other out of date elements stand out more. Trunk isn’t terribly well-suited for UI iteration, so this plugin is a chance for us to rapidly iterate in […]