A helpful list of features that have become essential for running a successful eCommerce site.
What is ManageWP Cooking Over There?
ManageWP, a well-known management solution for WordPress, announced that they’ve got an interesting “community project” that they are launching in 26 days or so. It’s because they love WordPress (no fooling) and is one way to help foster greater community around their neat new initiative. There’s nothing more than that outside of a new domain, ManageWP.org (notice the .org) and a landing page where you can sign up for more information:
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
What a week. What a week. With a number of tragedies being reported all over the world it’s hard not to get pessimistic about the continuation of the human race. Actually, it’s hard to find motivation at times if you think about it too long. But great work is being done and there is more good out there than what’s being reported. So let’s keep it up folks! Stay positive – this too shall pass!
Pinterest for Commercial Theme Customer Showcase?
As commercial theme providers continue to innovate and experiment with their business models and find solutions that meet their demanding customer needs I like to canvas and call-out implementations that are both creative and clever. For instance, many commercial theme providers have a customer showcase where they share some of their “best” customers who have developed or designed off the base theme into a stunning beauty and wonder. Or, they will share some marquee clients and customers who are either big name individuals or companies that are using their product. All of this is with the intent of not only […]
Even More Pin for Your Pinterest (and WordPress Site)
Pinterest – man, that is one site that I’m not that into. I get the attraction and I understand the utility, but I haven’t found a personal workflow or reason for me to necessarily join it in earnest. But I do know that Pinterest can provide a motherlode of traffic when done well. I know this from a personal blog project that leverages pinterest really well – and the traffic statistics are absolutely mind-blowing. So it doesn’t surprise me that WordPress.com has announced Pinterest verification in addition their Google and Bing verification systems. All you have to do is the following […]