Today’s quick and easy tool post is for those that are constantly uploading PNG files, like us here at WP Daily. If you’ve ever taken a screen grab or screen capture of a file or an application then you’re familiar with the relative size that can be created. Well, to save you some bandwidth on your site as well as precious load time for your users there’s a simple solution for you:
WP Shutters, Looking for New Lead
With over 334,000 downloads WP has become a staple within many WordPress developer circles – it’s an incredible plugin that has helped thousands save space by optimizing images – lossless, by the way. It stripped meta data from jpegs, optimized compression, converted certain gifs to indexed pngs, and even stripped un-used colors from indexed images. Sadly though it seems that it’s time for the original author, Alex Dunae, to move on:
3 Tips For Optimizing Images In WordPress
Like SEO or WordPress back-ups, optimizing images for your blog is one of those things that you hear about all of the time, but few people actually bother to do. Why should you care about image optimization? Using the proper image format and resolution can not only make your website load drastically faster, but can actually improve the quality of images as well. In this post, I’m going to give you 3 tips on optimizing images that every WordPress blogger should know.
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